After 10 Years of Joint Problems Can One Month of Physical Therapy “cure” Me?

Question by liquidcharm: After 10 years of joint problems can one month of “cure” me?
An occupational doctor seems hopeful but I doubt it very much.
The joint pain I have is in my neck which affects the alignment of my ribs. My pelvis does not stay in place as well as several other vertebrae in several areas of my spine. Things just don’t stay aligned and then nerves get pinched off and muscles get twisted. The neck pain causes major headaches much of the time and I’ve been to the chiropractor many many times throughout these 10 years and nothing has been a permanent fix.

Best answer:

Answer by aishelot
Without knowing more information, the answer is no, it cannot ‘cure’ you. Make you feel better for the short-term, maybe, but not cure you. What kind of joint pain are you having? Sounds like arthritis.

Answer by debbie
It sounds doubtful, but it depends on your problem and the skill of the doctor. I had a tailbone problem for about 15 years and 2 chiropractic adjustments in one week fixed it. Also I take nutritional products from Springtime inc (Joint Health for people) that takes care of a painful a ligament problem in a few days.

What do you think? Answer below!



New London Occupational, Physical and Hand Therapy – Dave and Aileen Roberts bring more than 30 years of experience in the physical therapy field to serve your needs. New London Physical and Occupational Therapy is part of the Stevens Community Medical Center clinic in New London, Minnesota. When your Doctor recommends therapy for joint and muscle pain (including neck, back, shoulder, hand, and knee), tendonitis and hand numbness, or therapy following a surgery, we provide thorough, experienced care that helps you achieve results. Discuss therapy with your provider. If therapy is recommended bring your physical or occupational therapy referral to see us. Our Services Our services include: Physical Therapy Hand Therapy Occupational Therapy


Occupational therapists help patients adapt

Filed under: occupational physical therapy

Occupational therapists (OTs) are regulated health professionals who help patients resume their regular routines and activities of daily life, or develop new life skills following an illness, injury, or disability. They also enable people of all ages …


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