Are There Any Documented Cases of a More Severe Form of Mood Disorder Turning Into a Less Severe One?

Question by bluguy57: Are There Any Documented Cases of A More Severe Form of Turning Into A Less Severe One?
I know hypomania can sometimes progress into bipolar disorder or even full blown mania. Has the opposite ever happened? Where a more severe expression of bipolar disorder or chronic severe mania “calmed down” into a lesser variation of “mood disorder” such as cyclothymia or chronic hypomania?
I wasn’t asking for generalities. I meant any documented cases. Some progressive disorders rarely feature a few isolated cases where it regresses and overtime scientists tend to classify these cases as separate disorders requiring different treatments.

Best answer:

Answer by Rebecca Morgan
with proper medication yes…. but it’s because of the medication, not because the mind heals itself…. Bipolar is a progressive disorder.. it gets worse with time. However things like diet, exercise, meditation, therapy can all help someone with Bipolar understand it and manage symptoms better so it can in effect become easier to manage with a healthy lifestyle….

Answer by Lila
You are asking a question that only a professional could answer. Nobody on Answers would know of any documented cases. Possibly do some research on your own and you may find the answer you are looking for.

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Rod Haig Bipolar Mood Disorder Routine.AVI – Rod Haig performing his stand up comedy routine on mental health andt bipolar mood disorder (manic depression). Performed at The New Tattersals Hotel, Lismor…


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