Biofeedback and Depression: Treating the Blues With Body-Mind Therapies

Biofeedback and depression: Treating the blues with body-mind therapies

Filed under: holistic treatment for depression

Conventional treatments for depression pay little to no attention to the impact of body movement and posture on brain function and mood, according to Dr. Erik Peper, biofeedback expert and professor at the Institute for Holistic Health Studies in San …
Read more on Mother Nature Network


Health: Natural forms of medicine

Filed under: holistic treatment for depression

Gregory uses supplements like “Free and Easy Wanderer Plus,” a mix of Chinese herbs used to combat female hormonal issues or depression. Other holistic medicines can have a greater effect. “Holistic medicine can most certainly treat serious illnesses,” …
Read more on Huntersville Herald


The Healing Ways of 'Imani'

Filed under: holistic treatment for depression

The body should be treated as a whole without emphasis on one aspect of it, says Imani Shoombe, one of only a handful of holistic healers in Namibia. There are … This causes , the imbalance of the 'Chakras' is seen here," she says.


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