Can “Christian” Psychology or Counseling Help Me?

Question by Lion of Judah: Can “Christian” Psychology or Counseling Help Me?
“For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and gives life to the world…I am the bread of life.” (John 6:33,48)

Is it true that Jesus – who is the Word of God and the bread of life – gives those who choose to follow him everything they need to live a life pleasing to God and loving towards others? Is is true that the Holy Spirit provides all the power needed to live a life pleasing to the Lord?

“Christian” psychology or counseling is religious peoples attempt to try and ‘help’ other respectors of religion with their world-centered beliefs, dressed up in biblical words and phrases and calling it all “christ-centered”. “Christian” psychologists and counselors simply mix humanistic philosophies with the some of the truth in the scripture. Of course, they would never admit to their primary beliefs being humanistic, for they believe themselves to be both biblical and uniquely enlightened “experts” and “professionals”.

The false, self-centered beliefs of that which call’s itself “Christian Psychology” are ensnaring most people who participate in christianity. The religious system’s leaders are entirely embracing the philosophies of christain psychology and are thus hastening both the nullification of Jesus’ teachings and thus deepening the deception of the people who submit to them.

Best answer:

Answer by elliot l
Christian psychology is a pointless and potentially harmful practice, but not for any of the reasons you’ve put forward.

Answer by Pablito
Yes, I think you should go for it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



New Hope Christian Counseling Center – New Hope Christian Counseling Center is located in Centerville, Iowa.


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