Clinical Depression Symptoms: Two Symptoms of Clinical Depression


When people think of depression, they often imagine the cinematic and most dramatic version possible, somebody locked away in a dark room, windows closed, in bed, not answering the phone or eating or taking care of themselves. Constantly in tears or staring at the wall, this image of a depressed person is easy to recognize but fortunately not the most common form of depression. Indeed, clinical depression can often present itself in a variety of ways, with people functioning but unhappy as they go about their lives. In this article we seek to examine to basic so that you may stand a greater chance of diagnosing a friend or recognizing what you are yourself going through.

While most people associate depression with silence and withdrawal, irritability is actually a powerful indicator as well. If you find yourself with a greatly shortened temper, liable to snap and lash out at people, unable to handle even minor setbacks with patience, and prone to saying things you regret in a manner that is unlike your normal self, than that can indicate a frustration and anger that is welling up as a form of self-defense from the world. This happens because people who are agitated, unhappy, depressed and miserable often have trouble accepting their situation, and instead enter a state of denial where they do everything they can to avoid thinking of their problems. This means they have to constantly be on the go, and anything that checks this progress and movement becomes instead the focus of their ire.

Strangely enough, depression can also manifest itself in the form of physical ailments.

This means that a mental condition can actually affect your body, leaving you feeling lethargic, without energy, with muscular and joint pain as well as headaches. These symptoms can strike you out of the blue, or creep up on you and leave you debilitated. They can take the form of sudden headaches that wake you up in the night, or muscles that ache in a persistent manner despite stretching and exercise.

Remember, depression is not a sign of weakness, but rather an imbalance in the chemicals of your brain. As such, you should be open to speaking to friends and loved ones about your current condition, and if it doesn’t improve after a couple of weeks you should consider talking to a doctor or therapist to see if your depression can be treated in some manner.




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