Does My Partner Have “Evening Depression”?

Question by : Does my partner have “evening depression”?
For the past few months, my boyfriend has been getting depressed in the evenings. He said it happened over night after a dream he had that he then kept replaying the next day. I’m finding it hard to deal with because I don’t know what to say/do and I’m not sure I even /believe/ he’s depressed, because as far as I’m aware, there’s nothing wrong in his life. We spend the evenings together so he’s not alone. His family are emigrating and he’s not going because of university, which is pretty major, but that’s the only thing I can think of that might bring him down. He’s fine during the day, then it’ll get to about 8 or 9 and he’ll be really down. What could be wrong and what can I do to help?

Best answer:

Answer by Speedy
It sounds as if he is getting depressed because of his parents imminent departure. It is happening in the evening because it is then that he has time to think. Perhaps a visit to a counsellor or student counsellor is called for or a complimentary medicine practitioner. His depression does not sound to severe and I think conventional medication would cloud his mind too much and effect his studies.

Answer by llouise
He is not going gently into that good night. It may have something to do with his internal clock. Some people are naturally more energetic and happier early in the day, while others are night owls. If this is a more recent occurrence, it could have something to do with crashing after indulging in highly sugared foods or caffeine. If this is not the case, It may be an apprehension about going to sleep, for it is the closest we come to death while we are still alive.We are no longer “in control” when we give ourselves over to the “sandman”. Then there’s always boredom. Instead of hanging around the house in the evenings go catch a flick, walk around an all -night store, go to a local arcade, bowling alley or pub, to play games, shoot pool, throw darts. This will give him less time on his hands to brood over things he can’t change. It sounds like you are really supportive of him, so I’m sure with your company and encouragement he’ll make it through this transitional time in his life just fine.

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