Drug Rehab Center Call 888-653-0302


Drug Rehab Center Call 888-653-0302 – We understand that every addict deserves a fresh start. We work on building a strong human will balancing life style and putting our patients back on track. Moreover, we treat our customers by slowly transitioning them with the outside world, such as including their friends and family, and preparing them to integrate socially. Our center takes every client’s situation seriously. After all we are handling a patient’s life and would like to be of a positive influence. Give us a call today 888-653-0302


Tweed parking, drug rehab plans approved by New Haven City Plan Commission

Filed under: alcohol drug rehab center

NEW HAVEN — Tweed New Haven Airport will land a new parking lot setup to “bring it into this century,” said one planner, the city will get an upscale alcohol and drug rehab facility on “The Boulevard” that should add more than 100 full-time jobs, and …
Read more on New Haven Register


Thai rehab center shows British rocker Pete Doherty the door after alleged

Filed under: alcohol drug rehab center

BANGKOK — British rocker Pete Doherty has been asked to leave a high-end drug rehab center in Thailand, with the center saying his lack of commitment jeopardized the treatment of other patients. Ben Moller, marketing director of the Cabin, said …
Read more on Washington Post


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