Drug Treatment for Depression: Overcoming Depression, Without Drugs

Depression is an illness that can affect anyone at any time. The symptoms are not always recognized as depression, because you might be feeling a bit low on energy, a bit emotional, getting up in the morning is an effort, self-esteem seems to have flown out of the window. Nobody seems to understand what is going on with you and you feel confused, you ask – could the cause be stress, especially if you are under a lot of pressure at work or home after all we live in a very hectic world.

It is not always easy to talk to family or even friends, as they do not understand what you are going through, which creates sense of helplessness or desperation and it feels like it will never end.

What may cause depression, panic attacks and anxiety?

1. Divorce
2. Death
3. Marital problems
4. Financial problems
5. Retrenchments
6. Not coping with change
7. Being abused or raped
8. Hormonal Imbalance
9. Peer and parent pressure in teenagers

Symptoms of depression

1. Constant feeling of sadness and irritability
2. Overreacting to situations
3. Loss of interest in hobbies or social activities normally enjoyed
4. Loss of weight or gaining weight
5. Irregular sleep patterns
6. Not wanting to get out of bed in the morning

Physical Symptoms
Depression also affects the body in different ways such as:

1. Headaches
2. Lower back pain
3. Neck pain
4. Intestinal problems such as IBS and constipation
5. Can lead to heart problems
6. Over acid or toxic body

Medication can be used in the beginning but for a short period. I found that it starts to affect you mind and may cause you to become forgetful, not taking care of yourself and you loose your self-esteem.
Quite often anxiety may accompany depression. This is a whole topic on its own. Anxiety can hit you at any time, anywhere. Fear is probably one of the major causes of anxiety. This can bring on a panic attack

How to overcome depression

You should understand that in most instances there are emotional issues such as frustration and disappointment not coping or having lost control due to losing direction and not understanding the true meaning of life.


You have to make a firm decision and to take the responsibility for your recovery, to have a real desire to live a happy, joyful and fulfilling life to be able to overcome depression. To do this you have to work at it, as you are the only one who can make it happen. You have to have a reason to get up in the morning and make notes on your to do list and cross them off as you complete them, otherwise procrastination sets in and you are back to square one. There are many different ways to overcome depression, each person is different, and you have to consider those when being helped. A Psychologist who specializes in depression is a good start. I can give you the tools that I used, which have benefited many over the past 14 years. I have been living a great life for the last 14 years using no medication at all. You can do the same. Why wait till you have a nervous breakdown or you have burnout?

I had been for 17 years taking all the medication which I was told I could never come off, I found that because the medication was not working as effectively anymore I started to double up and became a zombie I could not remember stuff and had to write things down. I then had a major nervous breakdown. My doctor recommended a wonderful Psychologist who suggested that I go for Reflexology to learn to relax, at the time I had no idea of what it would do for my life.

Over the years I had learned how to pretend that all was ok, I kept my feelings very much to myself and also became a doormat for everyone to walk all over me, my self esteem disappeared I became very negative and blamed everybody for my situation. I had two teenage daughters and my husband.

Looking back over the years, I must have taken them through tough times, but they were all I had for support, they found it very difficult to understand where I was coming from. I am sure that there were many times they wanted to get rid of me, well, somehow they did not and I am here to tell the tale.

Because of what the Reflexology did for me, I went to college to study Reflexology. Because of my background, it opened many doors for me, and I became an expert in depression, anxiety and panic attacks as well as the overall well being of my clients. I really meant it when I said I understood where they were at the time of the first consultation.

Pat Bosman
R.T. (RASA), A.P. (BSYA)
Having overcome depression and Breast Cancer Pat has changed her life and because of what Reflexology did for her, she studied Reflexology and now helps others. Fourteen years ago, Pat Bosman left her full time employment as PA to a Financial Director in the corporate world to run her full time practice as a Registered Therapeutic Reflexologist, in Gauteng, South Africa. Over the last couple of years, she has written numerous articles for newspapers, Magazines as well as Internet sites such as Health24 and Selfgrowth.com. Pat has also been interviewed by ITV television, SABC 2 and Radio. Pat also ran the Depression and Anxiety Support Group, for the West Rand for a number of years with great success and has changed many lives. Pat was Chairperson of the North West Branch of the South African Reflexology Society for five years, Executive Committee as Vice Chairperson for four years. Besides her keen interest in dealing with people who suffer with Depression, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Post Traumatic Stress, Diabetes, Intestinal Dysfunctions and Stress as well as the overall wellbeing of the patient. Pat joined The Anxiety and Trauma Clinic in January 2008. Website http://www.patthehealthcoach.com


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