Government 'buried' Release of Key Evidence on Minimum Alcohol Price Before

Government 'buried' release of key evidence on minimum alcohol price before
The Government “buried” key evidence in the run-up to a major U-turn on minimum pricing for alcohol, it has emerged, amid accusations from doctors that pressure from the alcohol industry was “instrumental” in blocking the policy. A draft report from … Read more on The Independent

Docs Fail to Discuss Alcohol's Risks with Patients
Only 1 in 6 U.S. adults say their doctor has ever discussed alcohol use with them, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings show that most providers don't talk about alcohol, even with … Read more on


How To Stop Alcohol Cravings – Do You Want To Know How To Stop Alcohol Cravings? Visit the site here: There are many long and short t…


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