How Do I Get Help for Depression?

Question by i am a girl: How do I get help for depression?
I’ve been depression since about the 8th grade( I’m in 11th now) and I finally told my parents last year and they totally ignored me. You’d think they’d understand since they’re doctors themselves. I don’t really trust my school counseled all they do is help people with college apps & that’s about it. I don’t really have friends that I could tell or any adult. I really want to get help because it’s affecting my school work. I use to get straight As. I even wanted to go Ivy League schools but now if be lucky if I go to community college. I just don’t where else to go for help?

Best answer:

Answer by Burn Everything And Burn The Ashes.
Call a doctor, depending on the severity they may refer you to a therapist. And talk to me.


Robert Downey, jr as a child was “surrounded by drugs”. His father was a drug addict and as he grew up, he became one too. He was sent to the California Treatment Facility and State Prison for drug charges, and released in 2000. Newspapers reported that he’d hit the bottom. Downey lost all his friends and support, he was nothing. Now he’s a famous actor, especially famous for his role in sherlock holmes. I know I can’t compare you with a celebrity but all I’m saying is hitting rock bottom does not mean staying on the bottom for the rest of your life and dying as a piece of crap.

You have your whole life ahead of you, you can turn your life around. It sounds like things can’t get any worse so do anything, go crazy.

“900 years of time and space and I’ve met anybody who wasn’t important”- The doctor
“An airplane flies against the wind”

Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards, so when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming. <3 Do something you enjoy, find something you feel passionate about and stick to it. It doesn't matter whether you're **** at it. Remember Vincent van Gogh?( His art was never really appreciated, people made him feel like he was nothing, they made him feel he was a **** artist and after a while, he believed them but he continued painting anyway. Gogh is now a famous artist, he is well known and he even has his work on show in a museum. The fact is, don't let people influence your thoughts, do not let them make you believe you are not worth as much or suck at something. If you haven't found anything you enjoy, keep looking for it, it's there. I would recommend you talk to someone about everything, or just write it down. It sounds lame but it'll help a lot. ---------------------------------------.... Seriously, don't give up hope. Remember, things could be a lot worse. If you need some more advice or just want somebody to talk to, email me at- [email protected] ( It's not my main email, but I check it as often as I can. I'm 17. Drop by my blog; (Viewable on Chrome)

Answer by Jourdan
I remember having severe depression in my middle school years. My mother thought that it was just a matter of mind, and I could somehow get rid of it if I tried :/. But depression is very real, and not so easy to get rid of. It’s terrible that your parents ignore it. Maybe they were busy at the time, and you should find a time to have them sit down with you and discuss how you feel. Your school counselor should be trained to help with such problems as depression. I would go ahead and talk about it with your school counselor. Also, if you are in the US, you can call 1-800-273-8255 for help with your depression.

Best wishes ? ? ?

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