How to Recover From Depression


How To Recover From Depression – We’ve all seen the ads on TV for anti-depression medication. Have you noticed that the disclaimers are longer than the ads? Why?…


FDA issues strong warning about controversial anti-malaria drug
Federal drug officials have issued a strong new warning about a controversial anti-malaria medication once routinely given to U.S. troops, some of whom say it damaged them permanently. The ordered manufacturers of … Read more on MedCity News

Doctors warn of potentially deadly 'zombie' effects of using antidepressant
The injection-drug user arrived at the northern Ontario hospital complaining of weakness in his arms and legs, and admitting that he had just experimented with an unlikely new high. The man had blended cocaine with the anti-depressant Wellbutrin and … Read more on National Post

'Why does my back hurt?'
Identifying psychosocial factors influencing pain perception, such as depression, dependence on pain narcotic pain medication or legal liability issues. During an exam, your physician should take your … MRI, to determine what exactly is causing your … Read more on

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