Is It Possible My Anxiety Is Manifesting Itself Into My Terrible Dreams?

Question by stuart drake: Is it possible my anxiety is manifesting itself into my terrible dreams?
I have awful dreams 6 nights a week. I dream my family is murdered, my house is burglarized, I am being stalked. It is terrible. I was diagnosed with severe clinical about 10 years ago. I gave up on “treatment” around 8 years ago. I haven’t had too many issues, but I feel like I am just ignoring any sort of stress I feel. Any help would be welcome.

Best answer:

Answer by AdrielO
If you have depression and anxiety, it’s entirely possible that it could be affecting your dreams. These nightmares you describe may be the fears that you’re pushing away when you’re awake, coming back around on you when you go to sleep.

The question I would ask is, are these bad dreams affecting how well you’re able to function during the day? If they are, then maybe you have more issues than you think, and you do need to talk with your doctor about pursuing treatment again. I know it can be a frustrating process, I’ve had to go through it too for learning disabilities, but perhaps these bad dreams are trying to tell you that you need it.

Answer by dark dreamer
sure i use to have weird dreams because i was under stress, but some time ago it stop. my guest was i was working out so hard for sports that my stress was released threw my workouts.

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How To Fight Depression By Right Thinking – It has been scientifically proven that a person will become what they think about. This is fact. A person’s life is merely a reflection of the thoughts they have thought. Thoughts definitely become things.Unfortunately people who are either fighting depression or overcoming depression think in a negative way and hence get negative results. Therefore the purpose of this article is to raise some awareness in your life.A good place to start is to ask yourself – who is in your 5?, who do you hang around?, who do you spend most of your time with?. What are these people feeding into your mind? The answers to these questions will determine what thoughts are thinking. What type of TV are you watching. There are so many programs out there that program people so negatively, it’s like living with murderers and violent people. Cut out this rubbish and start empowering yourself with positivity. Just raise you awareness. hat predominantly is going into your head.. Negativity in – negativity out which includes unhappy lives that may included depression. Empowerment in – empowerment out which includes a positive happy life with meaningful uplifting relationships. Become aware that in the world as we know it, there is far more negativity than positivity. Therefore if you don’t put positivity in – the negativity will just take over, period. So seek out positive people that could become mentors and the way to seek these people out is to monitor what they do


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