Is Jail Really as Violent and Full of People Trying to Rape You, Like on TV?

Question by Hand Banana: Is jail really as violent and full of people trying to rape you, like on TV?
I’ve never been to jail or committed any crimes, but I wanted to know if it’s really like that where someone is always trying to rape you or “shank” you. Cause the only show where jail isn’t like that is the “Jail” and there they try to keep the inmates from doing that.
So which is it? Is it like in the Movies/TV where it’s a horrible place that you could get beaten/stabbed to death or is it like the documentaries where it’s just basically a rehab for punishment?

Best answer:

Answer by Slick
No. But there are predators so if you are perceived as weak or do things that others do not respect, you will become a target. If you are not willing to fight, you will also have problems

Answer by Alexander B
Location, location, location.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Rehab Party at the Hard Rock – Show open for the reality series on TruTV.

