MidWest Center Attacking Anxiety and Depression


MidWest Center Attacking – MidWest Center – Center for Stress and Anxiety Greeting!


'Why the World Didn't End Yesterday': So why HAVE NASA released Mayan

Filed under: anxiety center

Dr. John Carlson, who is the Director of the Center for archeo-astronomy says the Mayan calender in fact does not end on December 21st 2012. 'There were no Mayan prophecies that foretold the end of the world,' … However, despite NASA's confident …
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Mall employee: 'We were never trained for this'

Filed under: anxiety center

"We were never trained for this; we were never trained for a mall shooting and so we're like, 'Go into protective mode. We're here to protect our employees and customers, it's not about us anymore," said Oakes who doesn't feel like a hero but put the …
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