Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & Mental Health Issues


Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & – Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & Mental Health Issues Hope E. Young, The founder for the Center For Music Therapy in Austin discusses the use of music therapy as tool to handle emotional health issues. She explains the use of music therapy and gives examples of how it could be used in therapy session to help someone. Music therapy can be used to unburden negative emotions and trauma, relaxation, pain relief and stress relief. Visits the Center for Music Therapy website at; This video was produced by Psychetruth © Copyright 2011 Target Public Media LLC. All Rights Reserved. Music therapy “music therapy” “center for music therapy” Hope Young depression stress relief mental health issues emotion trauma relaxation pain “mental health” psycehtruth


BC Health Center to screen for depression

Filed under: for depression

15, the Bakersfield College Student Health and Wellness Center will be holding screening tests on campus for depression. These tests will help determine if a student needs further help, but students will not be diagnosed on the spot. The event will be …
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Magnetic stimulation hope for depression

Filed under: for depression

Prof Fitzgerald said the treatment was useful to depression patients who had not responded to medication. The treatment, which was done while patients are awake, had no known side-effects and was non-invasive. "The most common description is patients …
Read more on Herald Sun


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