Postural Control the Best Predictor of Stroke Rehabilitation Outcome

Postural control the best predictor of stroke rehabilitation outcome

Filed under: stroke rehab center

Having good postural control at admission to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) after a stroke significantly increases elderly patients' chances of achieving a successful discharge to independent living and having good functional status at discharge …


Long Beach Memorial Patients, Employees and Physicians Walk to Raise

Filed under: stroke rehab center

Together, Long Beach Memorial team members raised more than $ 6,000 to help the American Heart Association's mission of increasing knowledge of cardiovascular diseases and stroke and saving lives. Cardiovascular disease and stroke … “In
Read more on Long Beach Post


Sheboygan County's Share the Spirit program has been helping disadvantaged

Filed under: stroke rehab center

A bout with colitis, an inflammation of the large intestines and/or colon, had put Gillgren, 72, in Sunny Ridge Health and Rehabilitation Center, but she was hoping that Nov. 16 would be the day she could go home. It was on her birthday, Nov. 13, that …
Read more on The Sheboygan Press


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