Schroth Method Exercises for Scoliosis


Schroth Method Exercises for Scoliosis – The Schroth Method is the premier conservative treatment for Scoliosis in Germany and is becoming more recognized worldwide. This video includes clips from a recent Scoliosis Systems Schroth Intensive program that took place in Atlanta Georgia. for more information visit or call 1-800-281-5010


Columnist: Yoga programs promote health and wellness

Filed under: for scoliosis

“As a yoga therapist, I see people privately or in groups,” Pariser said. This includes sessions for … Her training includes modifying yoga movements to accommodate old injuries and current physical problems, for example, scoliosis. “When I train my …
Read more on Hunterdon County Democrat –


Lexington Chiropractor Announces Patient Appreciation Week November 12-16

Filed under: physical therapy for scoliosis

"The earlier we detect scoliosis, the more effectively we can treat it," says the Lexington chiropractor, explaining that non-invasive techniques such as spinal adjustments, physical therapy or an orthopedic back brace can slow or arrest the curvature …
Read more on MarketWatch (press release)

