Steven Moffat Talks BBC Sherlock's "Female Perspective"

Steven Moffat Talks BBC Sherlock's "Female Perspective"
That's why I didn't watch the last two episodes of season three: After watching The Empty Hearse I'm going to need some time (a lot of time) to detox from the smugness. Perhaps the length of the whole hiatus, however long that ends up being. By the by … Read more on The Mary Sue

Separating Art from the Artist
He's a fixture in this neighborhood," said Christian McCulloch, 39, who said that he lives nearby. "You see him with his kids in the coffee shops, he is so sweet. It's desperately sad." … Hoffman was reportedly clean for 23 years, up until Read more on

The Werewolf Diet: Eating To Lunar Calendar Helps You Lose 6 Pounds In 24
On these days, Christian Dyuraffur, president of the International Federation of Phyto and Aromatherapy says, the shift in atmospheric pressure has an effect on our metabolism, which allows for a faster removal of fat and toxins from the body … Read more on Medical Daily

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