depression and anxiety

Mental Health Rehab: Improve Your Mental Health With Ayurveda

...  the intensity of negative reactions to our life situations become repetitive and frequent, symptoms of depression begin to crop up. Do you often experience the will of shutting out from the world and remaining isolated? Do you feel your self-worth and self-confidence eroding away for no specific reason? And do you find yourself sitting for hours together and thinking about nothing? If your answer to these questions is yes, you might be entering into an episode of depression and anxiety. Depression refers to a state of persistent anxiety, sadness and feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It is characterized by the feelings of contemplating suicide, fatigue or loss of energy, irritability or restlessness, insomnia and so on. The symptoms of depression may occur in people of any age group -whether children, youth or old. Read ...

I Don’t Know What to Do About My OCD Fear Please Help?

by Ed Yourdon Question by hooya: I don’t know what to do about my OCD fear please help? I think there’s a possibility that I might have OCD – I have to do things in threes or nines ( because 9 is 3×3 ) or I worry that something bad will happen to either myself, or my loved ones – I do things like checking plugs 3 times everyday, flicking light switches, if I scratch my arm or something I have to do it either 3 or 9 times, i can’t stand my rug being all messy and have to keep it straight, and I have to check everything is in my bag all the time/or check if ive left anything behind anywhere. There are lots of other weird quirks I feel I have to do, but there’s too many to list here. Read more... ...

Will the United States Go Through Another “Great Depression”?

by steelskyblue Question by Go For Broke: Will the United States go through another “great depression”? $ 4 a gallon of gas, banks with bad loans worth hundreds of billions from the housing bust, declining dollar, lay offs, low savings rate, and of course President Bush and Ben Bernanke are still in the throne with our money supply. Do you think the doomsday prophets are right on target this time around? Best answer: Answer by BBD-day not so much but I do agree with another depression coming on. I have been saying that for a year now. ^^ Read more... ...

Anxiety or Depression Help?

by Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library Question by Allison Miller: Anxiety or depression help? I started missing school at the end of the year because my anxiety made me physically ill. I struggled to even get through finals and graduation. I’ve been trying to get my anxiety under control but it’s not. I never feel like doing anything and I constantly fear of getting sick again (nausea). I used to go to baseball/basketball/football games all the time and have a blast or go to nice steak houses for dinner and now I so don’t want any part of it because I fear ill get car sick or sick from food or overheat and feel sick. I got away to college in a little over a month and I don’t want this to ruin my future. I got into a good honors college and an important program and I’m afraid ill lose it all from anxiety. What can I do? Read more... ...

My Name Is Sandra and I Suffer From Mental Illness

...  Name is Sandra and I Suffer From Mental Illness The conundrum baffles, not because my symptoms do not fall within the DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder, more specifically impaired function in an occupational setting; but because the very diagnosis will further impair societal … Read more on Huffington Post Canada Pharmacists, guardians of drugs, sometimes steal them Slusser, who was fired, was being treated for depression and anxiety. The pharmacy board suspended her license in 2009, and she died two years later. • Bonny Kimball, of Fitchburg, stole hydrocodone and Provigil in 2007 and 2008 while working at Aurora … Read more on Sioux City Journal Read ...

Suggestions to Overcome Depression?

Question by Wind Up Bird: Suggestions to overcome depression? It has been about a week since I found out that my boyfriend of two years has been cheating on me, and my life is currently in shambles. I’ve only left my bed four times in the past week, and I have absolutely no energy or concentration to get anything done. Whenever I try to do anything active, I am overcome by lethargy and I feel the need to get back into bed and sleep. I have no appetite, and I keep losing weight. Please give me suggestions on how to overcome this. I can’t allow my grades to slip and my life to fall apart because of a mistake my boyfriend made. Read more... ...

Tips for Dealing With Depression

...  for dealing with depression The National Institute of Mental Health estimates 26.2 percent of U.S. residents ages 18 and older suffer from mental issues such as bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. The constant pressures of school can spawn depression in college students, … Read more on Aztec Press INTERVIEW: Megachurch pastor Perry Noble admits depression, suicidal thoughts In a blog published this week titled, “Should Christians take Medication for Mental Illness?,” mega-church pastor Perry Noble said Christians struggling with anxiety or depression should consider taking mood-altering drugs to help them cope. He … Read more on Religion News ...