seasonal affective disorder

5 Ways to Deal With Seasonal Affective Disorder That Aren't a Tanning Bed

...  Ways To Deal With Seasonal Affective Disorder That Aren't A Tanning Bed Curious about alternative ways to deal with SAD, I asked a few experts what they'd suggest for those of us who are tempted to curl up under the covers and cry. … So how can we combat these feelings of depression, stress, anxiety, and general blah-ness? Read more on BlissTree Cheer Up! New Drug May Treat Depression in Just a Few Hours And while it takes at least two weeks to see results with most antidepressants, GLYX-13 treats ...

How Can I Get Rid of Depression Without Telling Anyone?

Question by Dude: How can I get rid of depression without telling anyone? I just want to be normal again :( I’m 14 if that means anything ._. Best answer: Answer by WhiteWitchmaditation thats what i did Answer by JosephDo some exercises that helped me out also try to just hang out with friends cause at least you’ll have someone with you during those times Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!     Read more... ...

Gluten Free Diet Helps Resolve Chronic Depression

  Gluten Free Diet Helps Resolve Chronic Depression – Depression resolved on a gluten free diet   by saklasthefool New Tennessee law targets prescription drug abuse A growing unhealthy population base suffering the effects of obesity, diabetes and other related conditions that morph into chronic pain has physicians calling for a new prescription to monitor the dispensing of opiates and controlled substances … Read more on Read more... ...

Why Do So Many “elderly” People Have Serious Sleep Disorders?

Question by Jayson R: Why do so many “elderly” people have serious sleep disorders? Why do people 60 and over have so much trouble sleeping? Is it because their pineal gland makes very little to no melatonin? Is it due to depression or lack of activity? Not getting enough light? Some just can’t fall asleep without pills. Some “elderly” people have little trouble falling asleep, but have trouble staying asleep. Why is this? Best answer: Answer by doctoreAs people age, there are normal changes in sleep patterns that result in less deep (stage 3-4) sleep, more REM cycles, more frequent night-time wakening, and more frequent day-time naps. The total number of hours of sleep should remain ~8 hours. Read more... ...

Persistent, Pervasive Symptoms of Depression During Wintertime Could Be SAD

by RedJinn: World Peace: What are you doing about it? Persistent, pervasive symptoms of depression during wintertime could be SAD Filed under: clinical depression ANSWER: Because your symptoms get worse as the seasons change, you could have seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, a form of clinical depression. If so, several treatment options are available that may help. SAD is a type of depression that affects … Read more on Chicago Tribune   Postpartum depression in a primary-care setting Filed under: clinical depression Read ...

Brandi Glanville: I Took Antidepressants With Alcohol During Depressive Bouts

by Photo Phiend Brandi Glanville: I took antidepressants with alcohol during depressive bouts Filed under: severe depression Reality TV star Brandi Glanville works out and eats well to maintain her sleek bikini body, but a bout of severe depression led the former model to mix alcohol with antidepressants, a major health no-no. "I cry and I drink and I take Lexapro … Read more on   Sister files million wrongful death lawsuit against Hampton VA Medical Center Filed under: severe depression Read more... ...

Why Are the Conditions in Most Mental Hospitals Awful?

Question by Jack: Why are the conditions in most mental hospitals awful? Some are even dangerous e.g. patients can often be at risk from other patients. And I’m not even talking about the ones that use electric shock “treatment”. My question is how are mental hospitals actually supposed to HELP patients? I would think that feeling unsafe and being around people that scream and bang their heads off walls and stuff would make anyone’s mental problem 10 times worse? Best answer: Read more... ...