Twin Cities: Somali Drug Counselor Relishes Her New Role

Twin Cities: Somali drug counselor relishes her new role

Filed under: alcohol counseling

She sports a hijab and a Twins baseball cap, and she's the first female Somali licensed alcohol and drug counselor in the state. Budul said she relates to Somalis in the community because she understands the stigma of alcoholism in Islam. "As a Muslim …
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Women twice as likely to die from alcoholism

Filed under: alcohol counseling

These are the main results of a 14-year study on alcoholism from researchers in Germany. The study also indicated specialized treatment programs targeting alcoholism had no impact on survival rates. “The is not really suited yet to …
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Drugs & Addiction : About Drug & Alcohol Counseling Certificate Programs – Drug and alcohol counseling certificate programs vary from state to state, but generally a minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required before being certified as a mental health counselor. Get the proper certification and experience to start helping those affected by drugs and alcohol with information from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on drug abuse.


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