What Are the Specific Vegetables to Eat That Will Help Enrich the Liver?

Question by john christopher: What are the specific vegetables to eat that will help enrich the Liver?
What are the specific vegetables to eat that will help enrich the Liver?
That will cause it stronger from Liver diseases, and if there is any food other than vegetables, please state it in your answer or answers. I think my liver is not working not that good, I need some natural way of making it feel better. Thank you in Advanced for those who are willing to help! =)

Best answer:

Answer by Lone Ranger.
Any food that is rich in iron, but spinach is probably the best.

Answer by mag1124
there are some teas you can drink to help heal or regenerate the liver.
chamomile, dandilion and horsetail are three different types of teas you should consider drinking.
and avoid alcohol and soda until you heal the liver. Fried foods and too much meat can also put strain on the liver. The liver can heal itself as long as you allow it to. all vegetables are good, can’t think of any specific veggie that is best. Look for a detox book to read up on ways to heal your liver. My favorite is “The seasonal detox diet” by Carrie L’Esperance. Good luck

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