What Is a Occupational Therapist?

Question by WB L: what is a occupational therapist?

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Answer by mistify
An occupational therapist is much like a physical therapist in that they work with people who have some type of “functional limitation” or inability or difficulty to do something that allows someone to interact with their environmment.

More specifically, an OT helps restore function related to the “self” or “job”…this could include dressing, cooking, manipulating small objects, writing, driving, etc. They do this by first performing an evaluation to determine what type of deficits are present and how best to address them. They can do this with teaching someone how to modify a task, strengthen muscles that it takes to complete the task, stretching, modailities, etc.

An occupational therapist is usually part of the “core” rehabilitation team of professionals that includes physical therapists, , and speech language pathologists.

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