Boy Ejected From Car That Fled Police Expected to Survive, Uncle Says

Boy ejected from car that fled police expected to survive, uncle says
The driver scooped up his son and gave him to workers at a nearby substance abuse treatment center, who tended to the boy until an ambulance arrived. He appeared to have a head injury, according to John Aliperti, a counselor at Harris House. At first … Read more on

Son jailed and father receiving help with heroin addictions
His 54-year-old dad, Idris, was given a 12-month community order with a high-level drug rehabilitation requirement following the bust. The pair had previously been told they both needed help to kick their addictions, but were put in prison on remand … Read more on This is Gloucestershire

Gefinor Rotana conducts training sessions for the rehabilitation of drug
Over the past three months, Gefinor Rotana has sent a number of its staff members to organize group training sessions for drug addicted patients at "Karyat Al Insan" center, part of Joy of Heaven Association in Maisra-Nahr Ibrahim. The sessions … Read more on AME Info (press release)


Alcohol and Center In Utah – Journey Healing Center – The #1 Drug Rehab Utah & Alcohol Rehab Utah. At Journey Recovey Centers we have cared for may hundreds & assisted along the tough path through alcohol…


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