What Is the Definition of a Psychiatric Disability?

Question by eloiselt: What is the definition of a psychiatric disability?
I looked it up, but can’t seem to find a clear answer.
Which of these would be considered a psychiatric disability?
-Clinical Depression
-Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder
-“Psychotic Depression”
-Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Best answer:

Answer by Dan
there all disabilities. im not sure of your question. if you are more specific on your question i can help you.

Answer by Ms Kitty
Any of them could be a disability but it depends entirely on how severe they are. It all depends on how badly it interferes with the person’s life. There are different degrees of disability and some people may function despite their “disability” while others may not.

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Clips from Boy Interrupted about Bipolar Depression – Clips come from the documentary Boy Interrupted.


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